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EIP-7872: Max blob flag for local builders

Adds a flag to set the maximum number of blobs a local builder will put in a block

Authors Francesco D'Amato <>, Kevaundray Wedderburn (@kevaundray), Toni Wahrstätter (@nerolation), Alex Stokes (@ralexstokes), Ben Adams (@benaadams), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Dustin (@tersec)
Created 2025-01-30
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This EIP adds a flag to the block builder in order to allow them to include a client configured maximum amount of blobs.


Currently a builder will include all blobs in their local mempool, up to the maximum amount that the protocol requires. If a builder has low bandwidth, they may include too many blobs and subsequently end up not being able to convince the network that the blobs are available.


  • Create a parameter in block builder’s configuration called USER_CONFIGURED_MAX_BLOBS_PER_BLOCK
  • Take the minimum out of the MAX_BLOB_GAS_PER_BLOCK and the USER_CONFIGURED_MAX_BLOBS_PER_BLOCK
  • If the minimum is zero, set the minimum to one.
  • Use the minimum to decide how many blobs to include in the block

Note: By default USER_CONFIGURED_MAX_BLOBS_PER_BLOCK may be set to the maximum in the current fork.


By adding a flag for the local block builder, they are able to specify how many blobs they can include in a block.

Backwards Compatibility

No backward compatibility issues found.

Security Considerations


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Please cite this document as:

Francesco D'Amato <>, Kevaundray Wedderburn (@kevaundray), Toni Wahrstätter (@nerolation), Alex Stokes (@ralexstokes), Ben Adams (@benaadams), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Dustin (@tersec), "EIP-7872: Max blob flag for local builders [DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 7872, January 2025. [Online serial]. Available: