Number | Title | Author |
2 |
Homestead Hard-fork Changes |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
5 |
Gas Usage for `RETURN` and `CALL*` |
Christian Reitwiessner <> |
7 |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
100 |
Change difficulty adjustment to target mean block time including uncles |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
140 |
REVERT instruction |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Nikolai Mushegian <> |
141 |
Designated invalid EVM instruction |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic) |
145 |
Bitwise shifting instructions in EVM |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Paweł Bylica (@chfast) |
150 |
Gas cost changes for IO-heavy operations |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
152 |
Add BLAKE2 compression function `F` precompile |
Tjaden Hess <>, Matt Luongo (@mhluongo), Piotr Dyraga (@pdyraga), James Hancock (@MadeOfTin) |
155 |
Simple replay attack protection |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
158 |
State clearing |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
160 |
EXP cost increase |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
161 |
State trie clearing (invariant-preserving alternative) |
Gavin Wood (@gavofyork) |
170 |
Contract code size limit |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
196 |
Precompiled contracts for addition and scalar multiplication on the elliptic curve alt_bn128 |
Christian Reitwiessner <> |
197 |
Precompiled contracts for optimal ate pairing check on the elliptic curve alt_bn128 |
Vitalik Buterin <>, Christian Reitwiessner <> |
198 |
Big integer modular exponentiation |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
211 |
Christian Reitwiessner <> |
214 |
New opcode STATICCALL |
Vitalik Buterin <>, Christian Reitwiessner <> |
225 |
Clique proof-of-authority consensus protocol |
Péter Szilágyi <> |
649 |
Metropolis Difficulty Bomb Delay and Block Reward Reduction |
Afri Schoedon (@5chdn), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
658 |
Embedding transaction status code in receipts |
Nick Johnson <> |
684 |
Revert creation in case of collision |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Renan Rodrigues de Souza (@RenanSouza2) |
1014 |
Skinny CREATE2 |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
1052 |
Nick Johnson <>, Paweł Bylica <> |
1108 |
Reduce alt_bn128 precompile gas costs |
Antonio Salazar Cardozo (@shadowfiend), Zachary Williamson (@zac-williamson) |
1153 |
Transient storage opcodes |
Alexey Akhunov (@AlexeyAkhunov), Moody Salem (@moodysalem) |
1234 |
Constantinople Difficulty Bomb Delay and Block Reward Adjustment |
Afri Schoedon (@5chdn) |
1283 |
Net gas metering for SSTORE without dirty maps |
Wei Tang (@sorpaas) |
1344 |
ChainID opcode |
Richard Meissner (@rmeissner), Bryant Eisenbach (@fubuloubu) |
1559 |
Fee market change for ETH 1.0 chain |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Eric Conner (@econoar), Rick Dudley (@AFDudley), Matthew Slipper (@mslipper), Ian Norden (@i-norden), Abdelhamid Bakhta (@abdelhamidbakhta) |
1884 |
Repricing for trie-size-dependent opcodes |
Martin Holst Swende (@holiman) |
2028 |
Transaction data gas cost reduction |
Alexey Akhunov (@AlexeyAkhunov), Eli Ben Sasson <>, Tom Brand <>, Louis Guthmann <>, Avihu Levy <> |
2200 |
Structured Definitions for Net Gas Metering |
Wei Tang (@sorpaas) |
2384 |
Muir Glacier Difficulty Bomb Delay |
Eric Conner (@econoar) |
2565 |
ModExp Gas Cost |
Kelly Olson (@ineffectualproperty), Sean Gulley (@sean-sn), Simon Peffers (@simonatsn), Justin Drake (@justindrake), Dankrad Feist (@dankrad) |
2681 |
Limit account nonce to 2^64-1 |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic) |
2718 |
Typed Transaction Envelope |
Micah Zoltu (@MicahZoltu) |
2929 |
Gas cost increases for state access opcodes |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Martin Swende (@holiman) |
2930 |
Optional access lists |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Martin Swende (@holiman) |
3198 |
BASEFEE opcode |
Abdelhamid Bakhta (@abdelhamidbakhta), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
3529 |
Reduction in refunds |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Martin Swende (@holiman) |
3541 |
Reject new contract code starting with the 0xEF byte |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Paweł Bylica (@chfast), Andrei Maiboroda (@gumb0), Alexey Akhunov (@AlexeyAkhunov), Christian Reitwiessner (@chriseth), Martin Swende (@holiman) |
3554 |
Difficulty Bomb Delay to December 2021 |
James Hancock (@madeoftin) |
3607 |
Reject transactions from senders with deployed code |
Dankrad Feist (@dankrad), Dmitry Khovratovich (@khovratovich), Marius van der Wijden (@MariusVanDerWijden) |
3651 |
William Morriss (@wjmelements) |
3675 |
Upgrade consensus to Proof-of-Stake |
Mikhail Kalinin (@mkalinin), Danny Ryan (@djrtwo), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
3855 |
PUSH0 instruction |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Hugo De la cruz (@hugo-dc), Paweł Bylica (@chfast) |
3860 |
Limit and meter initcode |
Martin Holst Swende (@holiman), Paweł Bylica (@chfast), Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Andrei Maiboroda (@gumb0) |
4345 |
Difficulty Bomb Delay to June 2022 |
Tim Beiko (@timbeiko), James Hancock (@MadeOfTin), Thomas Jay Rush (@tjayrush) |
4399 |
Supplant DIFFICULTY opcode with PREVRANDAO |
Mikhail Kalinin (@mkalinin), Danny Ryan (@djrtwo) |
4788 |
Beacon block root in the EVM |
Alex Stokes (@ralexstokes), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs), Danny Ryan (@djrtwo), Martin Holst Swende (@holiman), lightclient (@lightclient) |
4844 |
Shard Blob Transactions |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Dankrad Feist (@dankrad), Diederik Loerakker (@protolambda), George Kadianakis (@asn-d6), Matt Garnett (@lightclient), Mofi Taiwo (@Inphi), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs) |
4895 |
Beacon chain push withdrawals as operations |
Alex Stokes (@ralexstokes), Danny Ryan (@djrtwo) |
5133 |
Delaying Difficulty Bomb to mid-September 2022 |
Tomasz Kajetan Stanczak (@tkstanczak), Eric Marti Haynes (@ericmartihaynes), Josh Klopfenstein (@joshklop), Abhimanyu Nag (@AbhiMan1601) |
5656 |
MCOPY - Memory copying instruction |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Paul Dworzanski (@poemm), Jared Wasinger (@jwasinger), Casey Detrio (@cdetrio), Pawel Bylica (@chfast), Charles Cooper (@charles-cooper) |
6780 |
SELFDESTRUCT only in same transaction |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Dankrad Feist (@dankrad) |
7044 |
Perpetually Valid Signed Voluntary Exits |
Lion (@dapplion) |
7045 |
Increase max attestation inclusion slot |
Danny Ryan (@djrtwo) |
7514 |
Add Max Epoch Churn Limit |
dapplion (@dapplion), Tim Beiko (@timbeiko) |
7516 |
BLOBBASEFEE instruction |
Carl Beekhuizen (@carlbeek) |
Number | Title | Author |
2539 |
BLS12-377 curve operations |
Alex Vlasov (@shamatar), hujw77 (@hujw77) |
4762 |
Statelessness gas cost changes |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Dankrad Feist (@dankrad), Ignacio Hagopian (@jsign), Tanishq Jasoria (@tanishqjasoria), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech) |
6404 |
SSZ transactions |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
6465 |
SSZ withdrawals root |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status), Mikhail Kalinin (@mkalinin) |
6466 |
SSZ receipts |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
6493 |
SSZ transaction signature scheme |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Matt Garnett (@lightclient), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
6690 |
EVM Modular Arithmetic Extensions |
Jared Wasinger (@jwasinger), Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Radosław Zagórowicz (@rodiazet), Paweł Bylica (@chfast) |
6800 |
Ethereum state using a unified verkle tree |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Dankrad Feist (@dankrad), Kevaundray Wedderburn (@kevaundray), Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Piper Merriam (@pipermerriam), Gottfried Herold (@GottfriedHerold), Ignacio Hagopian (@jsign), Tanishq Jasoria (@tanishqjasoria), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Danno Ferrin (@shemnon) |
6888 |
Arithmetic verification at EVM level |
Renan Rodrigues de Souza (@RenanSouza2) |
7503 |
Zero-Knowledge Wormholes |
Keyvan Kambakhsh (@keyvank), Hamid Bateni (@irnb), Amir Kahoori <>, Nobitex Labs <>, 0xwormhole (@0xwormhole) |
7519 |
Atomic Storage Operations SCREDIT and SDEBIT |
Danno Ferrin (@shemnon) |
7609 |
Decrease base cost of TLOAD/TSTORE |
Charles Cooper (@charles-cooper), James Prestwich (@prestwich), brockelmore (@brockelmore) |
7612 |
Verkle state transition via an overlay tree |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs), Ignacio Hagopian (@jsign), Gottfried Herold (@GottfriedHerold), Jamie Lokier (@jlokier), Tanishq Jasoria (@tanishqjasoria), Parithosh Jayanthi (@parithosh), Gabriel Rocheleau (@gabrocheleau), Karim Taam (@matkt) |
7667 |
Raise gas costs of hash functions |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
7701 |
Native Account Abstraction with EOF |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Yoav Weiss (@yoavw), Alex Forshtat (@forshtat), Dror Tirosh (@drortirosh), Shahaf Nacson (@shahafn) |
7703 |
Increase calldata cost |
William Morriss (@wjmelements) |
7708 |
ETH transfers emit a log |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Peter Davies (@petertdavies) |
7709 |
Read BLOCKHASH from storage and update cost |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Tomasz Stanczak (@tkstanczak), Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Tanishq Jasoria (@tanishqjasoria), Ignacio Hagopian (@jsign), Jochem Brouwer (@jochem-brouwer), Gabriel Rocheleau (@gabrocheleau) |
7732 |
Enshrined Proposer-Builder Separation |
Francesco D'Amato <>, Barnabé Monnot <>, Michael Neuder <>, Potuz (@potuz), Terence Tsao <> |
7736 |
Leaf-level state expiry in verkle trees |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Wei Han Ng (@weiihann) |
7745 |
Two dimensional log filter data structure |
Zsolt Felföldi (@zsfelfoldi) |
7748 |
State conversion to Verkle Tree |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Ignacio Hagopian (@jsign), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs), Gottfried Herold (@GottfriedHerold), Jamie Lokier (@jlokier), Tanishq Jasoria (@tanishqjasoria), Parithosh Jayanthi (@parithosh), Gabriel Rocheleau (@gabrocheleau), Karim Taam (@matkt) |
7761 |
EXTCODETYPE instruction |
Andrei Maiboroda (@gumb0), Piotr Dobaczewski (@pdobacz), Danno Ferrin (@shemnon) |
7775 |
BURN opcode |
Dev Bear (@itsdevbear) |
7778 |
Prevent Block Gas Smuggling |
Ben Adams (@benaadams) |
7782 |
Reduce Slot Time for Lower Peak Bandwidth |
Ben Adams (@benaadams) |
7788 |
Dynamic target blob count |
Marc Harvey-Hill (@Marchhill) |
7792 |
Verifiable logs |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
7793 |
TXINDEX precompile |
Marc Harvey-Hill (@Marchhill), Ahmad Bitar (@smartprogrammer93) |
7797 |
Double speed for hash_tree_root |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status) |
7799 |
System logs |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech) |
7804 |
Withdrawal Credential Update Request |
Lucas Saldanha (@lucassaldanha), Mikhail Kalinin (@mkalinin) |
7805 |
Fork-choice enforced Inclusion Lists (FOCIL) |
Thomas Thiery (@soispoke) <>, Francesco D'Amato <>, Julian Ma <>, Barnabé Monnot <>, Terence Tsao <>, Jacob Kaufmann <>, Jihoon Song <> |
7807 |
SSZ execution blocks |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech) |
7819 |
Create delegate |
Hadrien Croubois (@amxx), Danno Ferrin (@shemnon) |
7825 |
Transaction Gas Limit Cap |
Giulio Rebuffo (@Giulio2002) |
7833 |
Scheduled function calls |
Keyvan Kambakhsh (@keyvank), Nobitex Labs <> |
7834 |
Separate Metadata Section for EOF |
Kaan Uzdogan (@kuzdogan), Marco Castignoli (@marcocastignoli), Manuel Wedler (@manuelwedler) |
7843 |
SLOT precompile |
Marc Harvey-Hill (@Marchhill) |
7851 |
Deactivate/Reactivate a Delegated EOA's Key |
Liyi Guo (@colinlyguo) |
7862 |
Delayed Execution Layer State Root |
Charlie Noyes <>, Dan Robinson <>, Justin Drake <>, Toni Wahrstätter (@nerolation) |
7863 |
Block-level Warming |
Toni Wahrstätter (@nerolation), Jochem Brouwer (@jochem-brouwer), Alex Stokes (@ralexstokes), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs) |
7864 |
Ethereum state using a unified binary tree |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Dankrad Feist (@dankrad), Ignacio Hagopian (@jsign), Kevaundray Wedderburn (@kevaundray), Tanishq Jasoria (@tanishqjasoria), Gajinder Singh (@g11tech), Danno Ferrin (@shemnon), Piper Merriam (@pipermerriam), Gottfried Herold (@GottfriedHerold) |
7873 |
EOF - TXCREATE and InitcodeTransaction type |
Piotr Dobaczewski (@pdobacz), Andrei Maiboroda (@gumb0), Paweł Bylica (@chfast), Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Danno Ferrin (@shemnon) |
7877 |
Enhanced RETURN opcodes |
Josh Weintraub (@jhweintraub) |
7883 |
ModExp Gas Cost Increase |
Marcin Sobczak (@marcindsobczak), Marek Moraczyński (@MarekM25), Marcos Maceo (@stdevMac) |
Number | Title | Author |
86 |
Abstraction of transaction origin and signature |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
101 |
Serenity Currency and Crypto Abstraction |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
210 |
Blockhash refactoring |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
615 |
Subroutines and Static Jumps for the EVM |
Greg Colvin <>, Brooklyn Zelenka (@expede), Paweł Bylica (@chfast), Christian Reitwiessner (@chriseth) |
616 |
SIMD Operations for the EVM |
Greg Colvin <> |
665 |
Add precompiled contract for Ed25519 signature verification |
Tobias Oberstein <> |
689 |
Address Collision of Contract Address Causes Exceptional Halt |
Yoichi Hirai <> |
698 |
Cody Burns <> |
858 |
Reduce block reward and delay difficulty bomb |
Carl Larson <> |
969 |
Modifications to ethash to invalidate existing dedicated hardware implementations |
David Stanfill <> |
1010 |
Uniformity Between 0xAb5801a7D398351b8bE11C439e05C5B3259aeC9B and 0x15E55EF43efA8348dDaeAa455F16C43B64917e3c |
Anderson Wesley (@andywesley) |
1011 |
Hybrid Casper FFG |
Danny Ryan (@djrtwo), Chih-Cheng Liang (@ChihChengLiang) |
1015 |
Configurable On Chain Issuance |
Alex Van de Sande <> |
1051 |
Overflow checking for the EVM |
Nick Johnson <> |
1057 |
ProgPoW, a Programmatic Proof-of-Work |
Greg Colvin <>, Andrea Lanfranchi (@AndreaLanfranchi), Michael Carter (@bitsbetrippin), IfDefElse <> |
1087 |
Net gas metering for SSTORE operations |
Nick Johnson (@arachnid) |
1109 |
PRECOMPILEDCALL opcode (Remove CALL costs for precompiled contracts) |
Jordi Baylina (@jbaylina) |
1227 |
Defuse Difficulty Bomb and Reset Block Reward |
SmeargleUsedFly (@SmeargleUsedFly) |
1276 |
Eliminate Difficulty Bomb and Adjust Block Reward on Constantinople Shift |
EOS Classic (@eosclassicteam) |
1285 |
Increase Gcallstipend gas in the CALL opcode |
Ben Kaufman <>, Adam Levi <> |
1295 |
Modify Ethereum PoW Incentive Structure and Delay Difficulty Bomb |
Brian Venturo (@atlanticcrypto) |
1352 |
Specify restricted address range for precompiles/system contracts |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic) |
1380 |
Reduced gas cost for call to self |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Jacques Wagener (@jacqueswww) |
1418 |
Blockchain Storage Rent Payment |
William Entriken (@fulldecent) |
1482 |
Define a maximum block timestamp drift |
Maurelian (@Maurelian) |
1485 |
TEthashV1 |
trustfarm <>, trustfarm <> |
1681 |
Temporal Replay Protection |
Martin Holst Swende (@holiman) |
1702 |
Generalized Account Versioning Scheme |
Wei Tang (@sorpaas) |
1829 |
Precompile for Elliptic Curve Linear Combinations |
Remco Bloemen <> |
1895 |
Support for an Elliptic Curve Cycle |
Alexandre Belling <> |
1930 |
CALLs with strict gas semantic. Revert if not enough gas available. |
Ronan Sandford (@wighawag) |
1959 |
New Opcode to check if a chainID is part of the history of chainIDs |
Ronan Sandford (@wighawag) |
1962 |
EC arithmetic and pairings with runtime definitions |
Alex Vlasov (@shamatar) |
1965 |
Method to check if a chainID is valid at a specific block Number |
Ronan Sandford (@wighawag) |
1985 |
Sane limits for certain EVM parameters |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Paweł Bylica (@chfast) |
2014 |
Extended State Oracle |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic) |
2026 |
State Rent H - Fixed Prepayment for accounts |
Alexey Akhunov (@AlexeyAkhunov) |
2027 |
State Rent C - Net contract size accounting |
Alexey Akhunov (@AlexeyAkhunov) |
2029 |
State Rent A - State counters contract |
Alexey Akhunov (@AlexeyAkhunov) |
2031 |
State Rent B - Net transaction counter |
Alexey Akhunov (@AlexeyAkhunov) |
2035 |
Stateless Clients - Repricing SLOAD and SSTORE to pay for block proofs |
Alexey Akhunov (@AlexeyAkhunov) |
2045 |
Particle gas costs for EVM opcodes |
Casey Detrio (@cdetrio), Alex Beregszaszi (@axic) |
2046 |
Reduced gas cost for static calls made to precompiles |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic) |
2242 |
Transaction Postdata |
John Adler (@adlerjohn) |
2327 |
BEGINDATA opcode |
Martin Lundfall (@MrChico) |
2330 |
EXTSLOAD opcode |
Dominic Letz (@dominicletz), Santiago Palladino (@spalladino) |
2474 |
Coinbase calls |
Ricardo Guilherme Schmidt (@3esmit) |
2488 |
Deprecate the CALLCODE opcode |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic) |
2515 |
Implement Difficulty Freeze |
James Hancock (@madeoftin) |
2542 |
Alex Forshtat <> |
2583 |
Penalty for account trie misses |
Martin Holst Swende (@holiman) |
2584 |
Trie format transition with overlay trees |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet) |
2593 |
Escalator fee market change for ETH 1.0 chain |
Dan Finlay <> |
2666 |
Repricing of precompiles and Keccak256 function |
Alex Vlasov (@shamatar) |
2803 |
Rich Transactions |
Micah Zoltu (@MicahZoltu) |
2926 |
Chunk-Based Code Merkleization |
Sina Mahmoodi (@s1na), Alex Beregszaszi (@axic) |
2936 |
EXTCLEAR Opcode For SELFDESTRUCTed contracts |
William Morriss (@wjmelements) |
2937 |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
2938 |
Account Abstraction |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs), Matt Garnett (@lightclient), Will Villanueva (@villanuevawill), Sam Wilson (@SamWilsn) |
2970 |
IS_STATIC opcode |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
2997 |
Sergio Demian Lerner (@SergioDemianLerner) |
3026 |
BW6-761 curve operations |
Youssef El Housni (@yelhousni), Michael Connor (@iAmMichaelConnor), Aurore Guillevic <>, hujw77 (@hujw77) |
3068 |
Precompile for BN256 HashToCurve Algorithms |
Dr. Christopher Gorman (@chgormanMH) |
3074 |
AUTH and AUTHCALL opcodes |
Sam Wilson (@SamWilsn), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs), Matt Garnett (@lightclient), Micah Zoltu (@micahzoltu) |
3102 |
Binary trie structure |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
3143 |
Increase block rewards to 5 ETH |
Ben Tinner (@Terra854) |
3220 |
Crosschain Identifier Specification |
Weijia Zhang (@weijia31415), Peter Robinson (@drinkcoffee) |
3238 |
Difficulty Bomb Delay to Q2/2022 |
Afri Schoedon (@q9f) |
3267 |
Giving Ethereum fees to Future Salaries |
Victor Porton (@vporton), Victor Porton <> |
3298 |
Removal of refunds |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Martin Swende (@holiman) |
3300 |
Phase out refunds |
William Morriss (@wjmelements) |
3322 |
Account gas storage opcodes |
William Morriss (@wjmelements) |
3336 |
Paged memory allocation for the EVM |
Nick Johnson (@arachnid) |
3337 |
Frame pointer support for memory load and store operations |
Nick Johnson (@arachnid) |
3368 |
Increase block rewards to 3 ETH, with 2 Year Decay to 1 ETH Scheduled |
Michael D. Carter (@BitsBeTrippin) |
3372 |
5 FNV primes for ethash |
mineruniter969 (@mineruniter969), mineruniter969 <> |
3403 |
Partial removal of refunds |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Martin Swende (@holiman) |
3416 |
Median Gas Premium |
HexZorro (@hexzorro), Mojtaba Tefagh (@mtefagh) |
3436 |
Expanded Clique Block Choice Rule |
Danno Ferrin (@shemnon) |
3455 |
SUDO Opcode |
William Morriss (@wjmelements), Baptiste Vauthey (@thabaptiser) |
3508 |
Transaction Data Opcodes |
Alex Papageorgiou (@alex-ppg) |
3520 |
Transaction Destination Opcode |
Alex Papageorgiou (@alex-ppg) |
3521 |
Reduce access list cost |
Matt Garnett (@lightclient) |
3534 |
Restricted Chain Context Type Transactions |
Isaac Ardis (@whilei) |
3584 |
Block Access List |
Gajinder Singh (@g11in), Piper Merriam (@pipermerriam) |
3690 |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Paweł Bylica (@chfast), Andrei Maiboroda (@gumb0) |
3756 |
Gas Limit Cap |
lightclient (@lightclient) |
3788 |
Strict enforcement of chainId |
Gregory Markou (@GregTheGreek) |
3978 |
Gas refunds on reverts |
Anton Bukov (@k06a), Mikhail Melnik (@ZumZoom) |
4396 |
Time-Aware Base Fee Calculation |
Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs) |
4488 |
Transaction calldata gas cost reduction with total calldata limit |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs) |
4520 |
Multi-byte opcodes prefixed by EB and EC. |
Brayton Goodall (@Spore-Druid-Bray), Mihir Faujdar (@uink45) |
4573 |
Procedures for the EVM |
Greg Colvin (@gcolvin), Greg Colvin <> |
4747 |
Simplify EIP-161 |
Peter Davies (@petertdavies) |
4750 |
EOF - Functions |
Andrei Maiboroda (@gumb0), Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Paweł Bylica (@chfast) |
4758 |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Dankrad Feist (@dankrad) |
4760 |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin), Dankrad Feist (@dankrad) |
4863 |
Beacon chain push withdrawals |
Alex Stokes (@ralexstokes), Danny Ryan (@djrtwo) |
5000 |
MULDIV instruction |
Harikrishnan Mulackal (@hrkrshnn), Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), Paweł Bylica (@chfast) |
5003 |
Insert Code into EOAs with AUTHUSURP |
Dan Finlay (@danfinlay), Sam Wilson (@SamWilsn) |
5022 |
Increase price of SSTORE from zero to non-zero to 40k gas |
Green (@greenlucid) |
5027 |
Remove the limit on contract code size |
Qi Zhou (@qizhou) |
5065 |
Instruction for transferring ether |
Mudit Gupta (@maxsam4) |
5081 |
Expirable Trainsaction |
Zainan Victor Zhou (@xinbenlv), Nick Johnson (@Arachnid), Konrad Feldmeier <> |
5283 |
Semaphore for Reentrancy Protection |
Sergio D. Lerner (@SergioDemianLerner) |
5478 |
Qi Zhou (@qizhou) |
5806 |
Delegate transaction |
Hadrien Croubois (@Amxx) |
5920 |
PAY opcode |
Gavin John (@Pandapip1), Zainan Victor Zhou (@xinbenlv), Sam Wilson (@SamWilsn) |
5988 |
Add Poseidon hash function precompile |
Abdelhamid Bakhta (@abdelhamidbakhta), Eli Ben Sasson (@Elistark), Avihu Levy (@avihu28), David Levit Gurevich (@DavidLevitGurevich) |
6046 |
Alex Beregszaszi (@axic) |
6188 |
Nonce Cap |
Gavin John (@Pandapip1) |
6189 |
Alias Contracts |
Gavin John (@Pandapip1) |
6190 |
Verkle-compatible SELFDESTRUCT |
Gavin John (@Pandapip1) |
6475 |
SSZ Optional |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status), Zahary Karadjov (@zah) |
6810 |
Ex Post Facto Cascading Revert |
William Morriss (@wjmelements) |
6811 |
To The Moon—10 Minute Blocks |
Pandapip1 (@Pandapip1) |
6873 |
Preimage retention |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet) |
6914 |
Reuse Withdrawn Validator Indices |
Lion (@dapplion), Danny Ryan (@djrtwo) |
6968 |
Contract Secured Revenue on an EVM based L2 |
Zak Cole <>, Zak Cole (@zscole), Kevin Owocki <>, lightclient (@lightclient) |
6988 |
Elected block proposer has not been slashed |
Mikhail Kalinin (@mkalinin) |
7266 |
Remove BLAKE2 compression precompile |
Pascal Caversaccio (@pcaversaccio) |
7377 |
Migration Transaction |
lightclient (@lightclient), Sam Wilson (@samwilsn), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs) |
7378 |
Add time-weighted averaging to the base fee |
Guy Goren (@guy-goren) <> |
7441 |
Upgrade block proposer election to Whisk |
George Kadianakis (@asn-d6), Justin Drake (@JustinDrake), dapplion (@dapplion) |
7543 |
EVM arbitrary precision decimal math |
1m1 (@1m1-github) |
7545 |
Verkle proof verification precompile |
Guillaume Ballet (@gballet), Diederik Loerakker (@protolambda) |
7547 |
Inclusion lists |
mike (@michaelneuder), Vitalik (@vbuterin), Francesco (@fradamt), Terence (@terencechain), potuz (@potuz), Manav (@manav2401) |
7591 |
BLS signed transactions |
Marius van der Wijden (@MariusVanDerWijden) |
7643 |
History accumulator for pre-PoS data |
lightclient (@lightclient), kdeme (@kdeme) |
7645 |
Cyrus Adkisson (@cyrusadkisson), Eirik Ulversøy (@EirikUlversoy) |
7650 |
Programmable access lists |
Qi Zhou (@qizhou), Zhiqiang Xu (@zhiqiangxu) |
7657 |
Sync committee slashings |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status) |
7658 |
Light client data backfill |
Etan Kissling (@etan-status) |
7666 |
EVM-ify the identity precompile |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
7668 |
Remove bloom filters |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
7676 |
EOF - Prepare for Address Space Extension |
Danno Ferrin (@shemnon) |
7684 |
Return deposits for distinct credentials |
Lion (@dapplion) |
7686 |
Linear EVM memory limits |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
7705 |
Charles Cooper (@charles-cooper) |
7706 |
Separate gas type for calldata |
Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
7707 |
Incentivize Access List Provisioning |
Ben Adams (@benaadams), Oleg Iakushkin (@OlegJakushkin) |
7716 |
Anti-correlation attestation penalties |
dapplion (@dapplion), Toni Wahrstätter (@nerolation), Vitalik Buterin (@vbuterin) |
7727 |
EVM Transaction Bundles |
Lily Johnson (@lilyjjo) |