The following standard extends ERC-7540 by adding support for asynchronous cancelation flows.
New methods are added to asynchronously cancel a deposit or redeem Request, view the status of the cancelation Request, and claim the assets or shares as a result of the cancelation Request.
Shares or assets locked for Requests can be stuck in the Pending state. For some use cases, such as redeeming from a pool of long-dated real-world assets, this can take a considerable amount of time.
This standard expands the scope of Asynchronous ERC-7540 Vaults by adding cancelation support.
The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.
After submission, cancelation Requests go through Pending, Claimable, and Claimed stages. An example lifecycle for a deposit cancelation Request is visualized in the table below.
pendingCancelDepositRequest and claimableCancelDepositRequest are defined in the Methods section.
Requests MUST NOT skip or otherwise short-circuit the Claim state. In other words, to initiate and claim a Request, a user MUST call both cancel* and the corresponding Claim function separately, even in the same block. Vaults MUST NOT “push” tokens onto the user after a Request, users MUST “pull” the tokens via the Claim function.
Requests MAY skip straight from the Pending to the Claimable stage, in the case of synchronous cancelation flows.
While a deposit cancelation Request is Pending, new deposit Requests are blocked. Likewise, while a redeem cancelation Request is Pending, new redeem Requests are blocked.
Submits a Request for asynchronous deposit cancelation. This places the Request in Pending state, with a corresponding increase in pendingCancelDepositRequest for the full amount of the pending deposit Request.
When the cancelation is Pending, new deposit Requests are blocked and requestDeposit MUST revert.
When the cancelation is Claimable, claimableCancelDepositRequest will be increased for the controller. claimCancelDepositRequest can subsequently be called by controller to receive assets. A Request MAY transition straight to Claimable state but MUST NOT skip the Claimable state.
controller MUST equal msg.sender unless the controller has approved the msg.sender as an operator.
Submits a Request for asynchronous redeem cancelation. This places the Request in Pending state, with a corresponding increase in pendingCancelRedeemRequest for the full amount of the pending redeem Request.
When the cancelation is Pending, new redeem Requests are blocked and requestRedeem MUST revert.
When the cancelation is Claimable, claimableCancelRedeemRequest will be increased for the controller. claimCancelRedeemRequest can subsequently be called by controller to receive shares. A Request MAY transition straight to Claimable state but MUST NOT skip the Claimable state.
controller MUST equal msg.sender unless the controller has approved the msg.sender as an operator.
controller has requested cancelation of their deposit Request with request ID requestId. sender is the caller of the cancelDepositRequest which may not be equal to the controller.
MUST be emitted when a deposit cancelation Request is submitted using the cancelDepositRequest method.
controller has claimed their deposit cancelation Request with request ID requestId. receiver is the destination of the assets. sender is the caller of the claimCancelDepositRequest which may not be equal to the controller.
MUST be emitted when a deposit cancelation Request is submitted using the claimCancelDepositRequest method.
controller has requested cancelation of their deposit Request with request ID requestId. sender is the caller of the cancelRedeemRequest which may not be equal to the controller.
MUST be emitted when a redeem cancelation Request is submitted using the cancelRedeemRequest method.
controller has claimed their redeem cancelation Request with request ID requestId. receiver is the destination of the shares. sender is the caller of the claimCancelRedeemRequest which may not be equal to the controller.
MUST be emitted when a redeem cancelation Request is submitted using the claimCancelRedeemRequest method.
Smart contracts implementing this Vault standard MUST implement the ERC-165supportsInterface function.
Asynchronous deposit Vaults with cancelation support MUST return the constant value true if 0x8bf840e3 is passed through the interfaceID argument.
Asynchronous redemption Vaults with cancelation support MUST return the constant value true if 0xe76cffc7 is passed through the interfaceID argument.
Blocking Requests during Cancelation
When cancelDepositRequest is called by a controller, new deposit Requests are blocked for this controller, and the equivalent applies to the redeem flow.
This requirement simplifies the possible states of vaults implementing asynchronous cancelation flows.
The alternative would create possible states where a cancelation is pending and a new deposit Request is triggered, leading to the current state being complex to read for integrators.
Implementing support for ERC-165 is mandated because of the optionality of flows as defined in ERC-7540. Integrations can use the supportsInterface method to check whether a vault is fully asynchronous, partially asynchronous, or fully synchronous (for which it is just following the ERC-4626), and use a single contract to support all cases.
Backwards Compatibility
The interface is fully backwards compatible with ERC-7540.
Security Considerations
Existing security considerations from ERC-7540 apply.