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EIP-7600: Hardfork Meta - Pectra

EIPs included in the Prague/Electra Ethereum network upgrade.

Authors Tim Beiko (@timbeiko)
Created 2024-01-18
Requires EIP-2537, EIP-2935, EIP-6110, EIP-7002, EIP-7251, EIP-7549, EIP-7594, EIP-7685, EIP-7692, EIP-7702


This Meta EIP lists the EIPs formally considered for and included in the Prague/Electra network upgrade.


EIPs Included

  • EIP-2537: Precompile for BLS12-381 curve operations
  • EIP-2935: Save historical block hashes in state
  • EIP-6110: Supply validator deposits on chain
  • EIP-7002: Execution layer triggerable exits
  • EIP-7251: Increase the MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE
  • EIP-7549: Move committee index outside Attestation
  • EIP-7594: PeerDAS - Peer Data Availability Sampling
  • EIP-7685: General purpose execution layer requests
  • EIP-7702: Set EOA account code for one transaction
  • EOF EIPs listed as part of EIP-7692, namely:

EIPs Considered for Inclusion

Full Specifications

Consensus Layer

EIP-6110, EIP-7002 EIP-7251, EIP-7549 and EIP-7594 require changes to Ethereum’s consensus layer. While the EIPs present an overview of these changes, the full specifications can be found in the specs/electra and specs/_features directories of the ethereum/consensus-specs repository.

Execution Layer

All EOF EIPs, listed in EIP-7692, as well as EIP-2537, EIP-2935, EIP-6110, EIP-7685, and EIP-7002 require changes to Ethereum’s execution layer. The EIPs fully specify those changes.


Network Name Activation Epoch Activation Timestamp

Note: rows in the table above will be filled as activation times are decided by client teams.


This Meta EIP provides a global view of all changes included in the Prague/Electra network upgrade, as well as links to full specification.

Security Considerations


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Tim Beiko (@timbeiko), "EIP-7600: Hardfork Meta - Pectra [DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 7600, January 2024. [Online serial]. Available: