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EIP-7808: Reserve Tx-Type Range for RIPs

Reserve transaction type range for use by the RIP process

Authors Carl Beekhuizen (@carlbeek), Yoav Weiss (@yoavw), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs)
Created 2024-11-04
Requires EIP-2718


This EIP reserves a transaction-type range for use by the Rollup Improvement Proposal (RIP) process to ensure there are no conflicts.


For L2s to use new transactrion types, it is necessary to reserve an transaction-type range for use by the RIP process so as to ensure there are no conflicts between transaction types used by RIPs and EIPs.


The transaction-type (as specified in EIP-2718) range from 0x40 to 0x7f (inclusive of both) is reserved for use by the RIP process.


By reserving a transaction-type range for RIPs, it allows the RIP process to maintain its own registry of transaction types that are not (necessarily) in use on L1 mainnet, the EIP process is then freed from having to maintain a registry of RIP tx-types while still having 64 tx-types for its own use.

Backwards Compatibility

No backward compatibility issues found.

Security Considerations


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Carl Beekhuizen (@carlbeek), Yoav Weiss (@yoavw), Ansgar Dietrichs (@adietrichs), "EIP-7808: Reserve Tx-Type Range for RIPs [DRAFT]," Ethereum Improvement Proposals, no. 7808, November 2024. [Online serial]. Available: